Professional Teeth Cleaning Can Ensure a Healthy Smile for Years

A professional teeth cleaning at our Bloomington, IL, office can do much more than brighten your smile. Regular cleanings can also eliminate harmful oral bacteria, thus preventing cavities and more serious concerns such as periodontal disease and tooth loss. At Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are committed to your comfort and peace of mind. Our hygienists use very gentle techniques, and we always keep you informed about the various steps of your dental cleaning. Additionally, as a family dentistry practice, Dr. Jay W. Chrisman and Dr. David Wyse treat patients of every age. By laying a solid foundation for oral health early, we can help you and your loved ones enjoy beautiful smiles for life.

The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Even if you brush and floss meticulously every day, harmful germs can still build up in your mouth. Eventually, these germs can create a sticky film called plaque, which, in turn, hardens into a material called tartar. Only a dental professional can remove these obstinate materials from your teeth. Without proper care, plaque and tartar eat away at your dental enamel, creating cavities.

Bacteria not only damages your teeth, but can also migrate to your gums, where it creates pockets in the soft tissues around your tooth roots. This condition is known as periodontitis, and it can cause pronounced discomfort, bleeding, and embarrassing bad breath. As the pockets expand, gum disease can also lead to widespread tooth loss. Fortunately, regular dental cleanings can prevent these conditions by eliminating the bacteria before it wreaks havoc on your smile.

How Often Should You Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

Illustrations highlighting plaque and tartarOral bacteria can build up with alarming speed. Therefore, you should book a professional dental cleaning at least once every six months. Even children need cleanings twice a year because they are just as likely to develop cavities as adults. In some cases, children face an even greater risk since they do not always know the correct ways to brush and floss.

Although biannual cleanings are generally sufficient for most patients, some patients may require extra dental visits. For instance, if you have gum disease, we may suggest that you come in three to four times a year. Because periodontitis is a chronic condition, additional visits can help us monitor the disease and quickly remove any bacteria that could lead to a flare-up.

What to Expect during Your Dental Cleaning

Though they are vitally important for your long-term oral health, dental cleanings are also quite simple and efficient. In almost all cases, your cleaning will take place at the same time as an exam. With our advanced technology, including digital x-rays, we can detect cavities and other concerns in the earliest stages and provide appropriate care to save your smile.

Routine dental cleanings are one of the easiest ways to ensure your continued oral health.

After your exam, a hygienist will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Thanks to our gentle techniques, this process should involve negligible discomfort and is unlikely to affect even those with sensitive gums. Next, your practitioner will brush your teeth with a high-powered brush. This device, coupled with a special granular toothpaste, further eliminates tartar and gives your smile a beautiful sparkle. After brushing your teeth, the hygienist will floss between your teeth and gums while instructing you about more effective ways of flossing at home. A final rinse will flush away any remaining bacteria and calculus from your mouth.

In some cases, we may recommend a fluoride treatment after your cleaning. This step can be particularly beneficial for children, since fluoride helps to strengthen developing dental enamel. A rise or varnish takes just minutes to apply, but it can help to prevent cavities for many years. Fluoride treatments can also benefit adults, and we will recommend this treatment on an as-needed basis.

Schedule an Appointment Today

You and your family deserve beautiful, healthy smiles, and routine dental cleanings are one of the easiest ways to ensure your continued oral health. Contact our office online or call (309) 663-6393 to schedule your biannual dental exam and cleaning today. Find out for yourself why so many patients come to us for outstanding dental care.

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry staff

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has been serving the community in Bloomington, IL, for 100 years, making us the oldest practice in town. We are constantly updating our practice with the latest technology and innovative techniques to provide first-rate dentistry for our valued patients. Our comprehensive services include

  • Emergency Dental Care
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Dental Implants
  • Pediatric Dentistry 

Schedule an appointment today by filling out our online form, or by calling (309) 663-6393.

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