Treatment for a Twisted Tooth Can Enhance the Smile By Dr. David Wyse on October 17, 2017

A woman looking at her smile after treatment for a twisted toothA twisted tooth can impact the health and beauty of the smile, increasing the risk of tooth decay and making the smile look flawed. Cosmetic dentistry treatments can improve a wide variety of aesthetic issues, including twisted teeth, to improve both the smile's appearance and health. Treatment for a twisted tooth at Chrisman & Wyse Cosmetic & General Dentistry makes it possible to enjoy the beauty and confidence of straight teeth. To find out which treatment for a twisted tooth is right for you, schedule a consultation at the Bloomington, IN cosmetic and general dentistry practice of Jay Chrisman and David Wyse.

Treatment Options for Correcting a Twisted Tooth

Twisted teeth often overlap neighboring teeth, making it difficult to effectively clean the teeth and increasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Fortunately, there are a variety or treatment options available to straighten a twisted tooth and protect the smile. The right treatment for each patient will depend on such factors as the severity of twisting, treatment goals, and other oral health concerns. Now, let's take a closer look at some common options for correcting one or more twisted teeth. 

Porcelain Veneers

For those with minimally twisted teeth, porcelain veneers may be a suitable treatment option. Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to improve a wide variety of cosmetic dental issues. In most cases, porcelain veneers can improve the appearance of a twisted tooth in as little as two dental appointments and without the need for orthodontic treatment.


Invisalign® offers discreet orthodontic treatment to straighten minimally to moderately twisted teeth. Invisalign® makes it possible to achieve straight teeth without wearing metal braces thanks to a system of clear aligner trays. Trays may be removed for comfort while eating and for ease of brushing and flossing the teeth. The length of treatment will vary based on personal response to treatment and treatment goals, but many people achieve their desired results in about 12 months.

Traditional Orthodontics

For those with severely twisted teeth, traditional orthodontics may be the most effective treatment option. Traditional orthodontics use a system of metal brackets, wires, and bands, which apply pressure to the teeth and force them to gradually reposition. Over time, this gradual pressure improves the shape of the jaw to correct dental alignment, including twisting. The length of time required for treatment will vary based on the severity of twisting and other alignment issues, but generally requires 18 to 24 months to achieve the desired goals.

Candidates for Treatment for a Twisted Tooth

Many people who have one or more twisted teeth benefit from treatment for a twisted tooth. Ideal candidates include:

  • Those with overlapping twisted teeth
  • Those with one or more twisted teeth
  • Those who feel insecure about one or more twisted teeth
  • Those who experience jaw pain as a result of alignment issues caused by twisted teeth

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

If you would like more information about treatment for a twisted tooth, or to find out which treatment is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chrisman or Dr. Wyse.

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Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has been serving the community in Bloomington, IL, for 100 years, making us the oldest practice in town. We are constantly updating our practice with the latest technology and innovative techniques to provide first-rate dentistry for our valued patients. Our comprehensive services include

  • Emergency Dental Care
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