What Are the Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss? By Dr. David Wyse on May 17, 2016

A dental implant securing a dental crown to replace a missing toothAccording to the 2011-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly two-thirds of adults between the ages of 20 and 39 have all of their teeth. This number drops to roughly one-third among adults between the ages of 40 and 64. While restorative dentistry offers many exceptional solutions to tooth loss, this is one case where the ideal treatment remains prevention. Although the number of adults who are retaining full mouths of teeth has risen over the years, one may wonder why so many adults have lost at least one tooth by the age of 39, and why most adults have lost at least one tooth by the age of 64. In the vast majority of cases, tooth loss is preventable.

Unfortunately, most adults do not visit the dentist at least twice a year as recommended by the American Dental Association, which is essential to proper oral hygiene. A large percentage of those adults also do not brush and floss regularly on top of that. Fortunately for such people, it is never too late to restore good oral health to even a badly damaged mouth. And once a person becomes fully acquainted with the causes of tooth loss at our Bloomington, IL cosmetic and general dentistry practice, he or she will be more likely to maintain that good oral health for a lifetime.

We invite you to read about some of the most common causes of tooth loss and then contact Chrisman & Wyse Cosmetic & General Dentistry to schedule your initial consultation today.

What Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss?

There are several possible causes of tooth loss. These are among the most common:

  • Gum disease: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults. In its most severe stage, periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth, and the gum and jaw bone tissues start to degrade. As a result, the teeth become loose. If the gum disease is left untreated, tooth loss will become inevitable.
  • Root canal infections: Every tooth has between one and four root canals, each of which contains a nutrient-rich substance called dental pulp that is essential to the health of the tooth. If a root canal is breached and the pulp within is exposed to outside elements, the pulp will become contaminated and infected. At this point, the pulp must be surgically removed. If it is not, the tooth will eventually die.
  • Dental caries: Better known as a cavity, dental caries can easily be treated in its earliest stages. However, if left untreated, it will spread, eating away at a tooth until it becomes so structurally unsound that it either needs to be extracted or it will simply die on its own.
  • Injury, illness, or trauma: Sadly, even the healthiest mouth is not immune to injury, illness, or trauma.

Learn More about the Causes of Tooth Loss

To learn more about the possible causes of tooth loss, please contact Chrisman & Wyse Cosmetic & General Dentistry.

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